Ever since Chomping Quarters manufactured an accurate reproduction molding for standard plywood cabinets I’ve been getting lots of requests to reproduce the dreaded “offset” molding. The need for offset molding has plagued many arcade collectors with Nintendo particle board cabinets for years. Well, your prayers have been answered and Nintendo “True Offset™” molding is NOW AVAILABLE in our store!!!
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Well, it’s true… Sometimes you don’t pick the game the game picks you… or something like that.
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(Mr. Do) by
Bill Johnston

After close to a year and a half the Ice Cold Beer side art reproduction project is finally complete!!!
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When I picked up Food Fight I knew my restoration options were somewhat limited due to lack of reproduction artwork. Luckily for me the overall condition of my game was pretty clean and Phoenix Arcade did reproduce the Control Panel Overlay (CPO) a couple of years back. So I’ll be sticking to the basics before I toss her into the game room. The basics involved cleaning the inside of the cabinet, wiping down the outside of the cabinet (Magic Erasers are indeed magic), repainting the marquee brackets and restoring the control panel.
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It’s been a little over two months since I started restoring Ice Cold Beer and it’s time to wrap up this restoration and do some final detailing and assembly.
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Ice Cold Beer finally got a final cleaning and a couple coats satin black. When you plan to apply vinyl to a cabinet it a very important to put a couple of good coats of paint on your cabinet to give the vinyl something to stick too. Just remember, adhesive on vinyl WILL NOT stick to a flat finish so always use a satin, semi gloss or glossy finish. I prefer to use oil based paint with a satin finish with a foam roller.
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