Since “Part 2″ I was able to finalize my Pengo restoration before winter arrived. In fact, the night I finally pushed forward to get done it was 54 degrees out and damp so no time like the present to finish the restoration up! As I found out a couple of nights before spray painting sometimes just can’t happen this time of year so I finished just in time!
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Since part 1 of my Pengo restoration post I’ve made some good progress with the limited time I have. As mentioned before, this cabinet needed very little body work. I don’t think I had an easy restoration like this since my Donkey Kong Jr. After a couple of quick coats of bondo a quick sanding (or two) and a good wiping down we were about ready to paint.
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A couple of months ago I was talking with Chris Rhoades (Chris25810) and he was still trying to locate an Ice Cold Beer that had salvageable side art so it could be scanned and reproduced so that he could complete his own restoration (Be sure to read Chris’s blog post about his Ice Cold Beer restoration). I casually mentioned that if he lived in Michigan that I knew of two for sale. Next thing I knew we were in discussions on purchasing one of the machines and making this project a reality.
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I’ve had a few e-mails from other collectors asking what font I used to recreate the Frenzy instruction card. The closest font could find was “Frutiger”. Not perfect but it is a great improvement off the one I replaced it with.
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Last November I traded with Tim (MudManTim) from KLOV another collector my Vs. Hogans Alley for a nice working Pengo. Since then I’ve pretty much keep putting off restoring it but over the last few nights I’ve decided it was time to start the restore. The cabinet is in great condition and this shouldn’t take too long to restore.
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A few weeks back the wife surprised me with a $2.00 purchase from a garage sale. This is the real deal and best of all it was never opened. Very cool!!!

Since “Part 3″ I’ve been able to wrap up the Frenzy restoration. Amazing how all the small final details seem to take for ever. However, the end results are always very satisfying when a restoration finally comes to a close.
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About a month ago someone on craigslist who happened to be minutes from my house was selling an original Coleco Ms. Pac Man mini arcade game for $30.00.
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Since “Part 2” the Frenzy restoration has been moving forward fairly quickly. I’ve painted the cabinet, removed the spray mask, installed the black textured T-molding, painted the brackets and carriage bolts, replaced the speaker, preserved / installed the Marquee.
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I won’t get into to many details at this point and time but yes I officially have an Ice Cold Beer (ICB) in my garage. Ahhhh yes, the ultimate party novelty arcade has arrived. A big thanks to MudManTim, another MI collector who was generous enough to have delivered it to me out of his personal collection. Also, another big thanks to someone we’ll leave unnamed at this time who also helped make this happen.
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