Several months back Rich Lint from “This Old Game” came up with a clever yet simple design for a Frogger Gameroom Sign asking for feedback and trying to gauge interest. When I first saw it I just had to have one. I mean, think about all the frog lives that would’ve been spared in Frogger if the game designers would’ve thought of this when designing the game. Haa ha.
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Over the last few nights I’ve cleaned out the inside of Frenzy, gave it a light sanding and repaired some minor blemishes w/ bondo. Afterward, I wiped down everything with Denatured Alcohol then one more wiping down w/ Napta and we are ready to paint. Well, not yet… First we need to protect the original near mint side art.
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Picked up a Stern Frenzy a few months back and since then have been trying to decide how I’d like to tackle this project. First of all, it’s a very clean specimen. However it’s far from perfect. As you can see, the side art is near perfect.
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When I arrived home the other night I was pleasantly surprised to see a delivery from”This Old Game“. I am about ready to start my Frenzy restoration and assumed that this was the order I was waiting for to get going on that project. Not only did the package contain that order, it also included my Donkey Kong 2 side art. The last piece of my D2K restoration!!! YAY. Staring at the art in Awe for several minutes I decided to put away the art with the hopes to install it later that evening but that didn’t happen. However, tonight I was FINALLY able to install the side art.
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Rich from “www.ThisOldGame.com” donated a one of a kind Q*Bert T-Shirt for whoever gets the highest score in the first official CoinOpSpace.com Q*bert High Score Contest which starts on 2-13-09 (Friday) @ 9:30 PM EST and ends on 2-15-09 (Sunday) @ 9:30 PM EST (48 hours). We thank Rich for his generous donation!!!
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Filed Under
(Other) by
Bill Johnston

In part one of my “Do It Yourself Backlit Skeeball Marquee” I explained the steps I took to create the light box from scratch. I’ve since finished up the light box and will explain the steps in which I did so.
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After admiring Jamie from Noise Land Arcade’s (zork40) custom Skeeball sign for way too long I decided I needed one.
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My wife bought me a few things for Christmas tonight. However, having kids and having a hard time getting out as of late I went with her to approve my Christmas gift. I love the fact my wife is starting to embrace my addiction and wanted to share. 🙂
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