September 27 2017

Replacement Filter Board for Gotlieb / Mylstar Games

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If you own a Gotlieb/Mylstar Q*bert, Q*bert Qubes, Mad Planets or a Juno First you’ve most likely had to troubleshoot and rebuild your MA-400 Filter Board. Sometimes this is as simple as reflowing the solder on the .156″ header pins (making sure you remove all the old solder). Other times, you may need to replace some of the 156″ (3.96mm) IDC connectors (especially if pins / plugs show any signs of looking burnt). Either way, these Filter Boards are known to cause tons of problems.

Lucky for us, Arcade Shop now offers a “New replacement Gottlieb/Mylstar MA-400 Filter board” which is more of a “Big Jumper” seeing they removed the filtering from the replacement filter board. The filters were originally used to prevent the game from interfering with radio waves but this is pretty much a nonissue now (or so I’ve been told several times).

These replacement MA-400 Filter Boards are compatible with

•Juno First
•Mad Planets
•Q*bert’s Qubes

However, Arcade Shop does note “This item is not compatible with cocktail cabinets.”.

I installed one of these last week in my temperamental Q*bert and my control problems immediately went away… For good? Time will tell!!!

Be sure to order yours from Arcade Shop today!!!


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