ChompingQuarters “True-Flat™” is now available in our store. This T-molding is the same shape as what Nintendo originally used on their plywood cabinets but is much more flexible.
The first run is about sold out. Quantities are limited so be sure to order today!!!
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True Flat Nintendo T-molding going into production within the next two weeks. This could be your only chance to get on board so get your pre-orders in now.
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Since “Part 3″ I’ve been able to wrap up the Frenzy restoration. Amazing how all the small final details seem to take for ever. However, the end results are always very satisfying when a restoration finally comes to a close.
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Since “Part 2” the Frenzy restoration has been moving forward fairly quickly. I’ve painted the cabinet, removed the spray mask, installed the black textured T-molding, painted the brackets and carriage bolts, replaced the speaker, preserved / installed the Marquee.
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Over the last few nights I’ve cleaned out the inside of Frenzy, gave it a light sanding and repaired some minor blemishes w/ bondo. Afterward, I wiped down everything with Denatured Alcohol then one more wiping down w/ Napta and we are ready to paint. Well, not yet… First we need to protect the original near mint side art.
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Picked up a Stern Frenzy a few months back and since then have been trying to decide how I’d like to tackle this project. First of all, it’s a very clean specimen. However it’s far from perfect. As you can see, the side art is near perfect.
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When I arrived home the other night I was pleasantly surprised to see a delivery from”This Old Game“. I am about ready to start my Frenzy restoration and assumed that this was the order I was waiting for to get going on that project. Not only did the package contain that order, it also included my Donkey Kong 2 side art. The last piece of my D2K restoration!!! YAY. Staring at the art in Awe for several minutes I decided to put away the art with the hopes to install it later that evening but that didn’t happen. However, tonight I was FINALLY able to install the side art.
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