About a year ago I picked up an Pepper II in order to complete my Exidy Row. Unfortunately my Pepper II was pretty trashed and was missing side art. But lucky for me Rick Ford (RoadRunner) was kind enough to loan me his New Old Stock (NOS) side art in order to reproduce the art for my restoration project.
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This past weekend I managed to scan the side-art of my two Exidy games. Those games being “Mouse Trap” and “Venture”. It really made me feel good that I’m doing my part to help preserve another piece of arcade history.
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Several months ago Rich @ This Old Game started selling high quality solvent ink jet Donkey Kong Jr. Bezel Decals printed on self adhesive satin vinyl. So, seeing as I was never 100% happy with the reproduction I purchased from another vendor I decided to order a replacement from Rich. Unfortunately, the other vendor used CPO adhesive on their decal which didn’t want to come off which wasn’t a good thing as I had originally spray painted the lower bezel support.
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It’s been a few months since starting the Ice Cold Beer side art project was started but the artwork is officially off to Rich at This Old Game for production. When Chris Rhodes and myself originally took on this project I thought it would be a fairly easy project but I was wrong. The original plan was to vector the art. However, after talking to Rich about the final medium (Solvent Ink Jet with Screened Clear Coat) it came apparent that all the halftones were going to be next to impossible to recreate by vectoring the art and retouching in photoshop was the best way to start.
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A couple of weeks back I received an expected shipment from This Old Game with an unexpected surprise. My Donkey Kong 2 serial number tag. Knew it would arrive sooner or later but wasn’t in any hurry to get it…
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A couple of months ago I was talking with Chris Rhoades (Chris25810) and he was still trying to locate an Ice Cold Beer that had salvageable side art so it could be scanned and reproduced so that he could complete his own restoration (Be sure to read Chris’s blog post about his Ice Cold Beer restoration). I casually mentioned that if he lived in Michigan that I knew of two for sale. Next thing I knew we were in discussions on purchasing one of the machines and making this project a reality.
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Several months back Rich Lint from “This Old Game” came up with a clever yet simple design for a Frogger Gameroom Sign asking for feedback and trying to gauge interest. When I first saw it I just had to have one. I mean, think about all the frog lives that would’ve been spared in Frogger if the game designers would’ve thought of this when designing the game. Haa ha.
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When I arrived home the other night I was pleasantly surprised to see a delivery from”This Old Game“. I am about ready to start my Frenzy restoration and assumed that this was the order I was waiting for to get going on that project. Not only did the package contain that order, it also included my Donkey Kong 2 side art. The last piece of my D2K restoration!!! YAY. Staring at the art in Awe for several minutes I decided to put away the art with the hopes to install it later that evening but that didn’t happen. However, tonight I was FINALLY able to install the side art.
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Rich from “www.ThisOldGame.com” donated a one of a kind Q*Bert T-Shirt for whoever gets the highest score in the first official CoinOpSpace.com Q*bert High Score Contest which starts on 2-13-09 (Friday) @ 9:30 PM EST and ends on 2-15-09 (Sunday) @ 9:30 PM EST (48 hours). We thank Rich for his generous donation!!!
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(Other) by
Bill Johnston