January 26 2011

Taito’s Ice Cold Beer Control Panel Artwork Vectorized – Part 1

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A little over a year ago I scanned, retouched and prepped Ice Cold Beer’s side art (Part 1 and Part 2) to be reproduced by Rich Lint over at This Old Game. While working on this project I discussed with Rich about the possibility of screening the Control Panel Overlay (CPO) seeing the only reproduction that is currently available is ink jet which in most cases would be more than acceptable. However, because Ice Cold Beer’s CPO uses gold ink in its color palette ink jet isn’t your best option. Rich said this is something he could do for me for a little bit of cash and a little bit of time but because of his current list of projects he couldn’t get to it anytime soon. Then he made sure I understood that the sooner he received the vectorized art file the sooner he could get the project in line for production.

Unfortunately several freelance projects, Nintendo T-molding, opening my online store and life got in the way of vectorizing the CPO. Then a couple of weeks ago I finally got inspired to get started on the CPO and over the last few nights I have pretty much completed the blacks.

Stay tuned while this project moves forward.

Original CPO Scan

Vectorized Black

Original CPO Scan

Vectorized Black

Original CPO Scan

Vectorized Black


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