January 09 2013

“THE VIDEO CRAZE” Production Seeks Funding!!!

Dave Danzara has been hard at work with my film THE VIDEO CRAZE “Where were you in ’82?”. In order to make sure this film gets released in 2013, Dave has teamed up with his Producer Steve Grunberger and his Assistant Director Scott Zeiser and started a Kickstarter program to help fund the completion of the film. These funds will be used to assist with travel expenses, film festival submissions, equipment, etc.

The film crew is working day and night in order finish the production. So, please take a moment to check out the “THE VIDEO CRAZE “Where were you in 82?”” Kickstarter page!!!

The whole reason I have made a Kickstarter was so I can get the funds to be able to pay for the marketing and manufacturing of the DVDs / Blu Ray’s, production costs, advertising, Licensing, artwork, traveling, Incentives for the kickstarter and film festival entires. To start a production takes a lot of time and money, and for what I need to have this film done I need this goal met, it is really important to me. Your contribution is huge, share with your friends and family, spread the word about this project to ensure it gets what it needs to be done !

I have been committed and with passion to have this film done. My film not only inspired me because of how I remember the days of when the arcade thrived, but I also can identify what it is at a whole culture. I have set my goal ahead to ensure I get this done. I have been involved with the work on the film since the start of 2010. This is my first project involving this much work, I have other people step up to help me get it done for my goal to be set. I cant wait to show everyone. So….my challenge will be will I have enough money to get what I envisioned? Will I have enough time? I believe i will with the support of people who are now involved, friends, family, and my production team are ready ! I will be sure to tackle all the rewards and commitments I took on.

Thank you all,
Dave Danzara

UPDATE: As of March 6, 2013 “The Video Craze” was officially Funded! Congratulations to Dave Danzara and the Video Craze Crew for meeting your goal!!!


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